Eric G Bush is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine and Hospice & Palliative Medicine, practicing for 15 years. He graduated from State University of New York at Buffalo in 2004, with an MD. Prior education: BS Pharmacy 1994 and MBA 1996 from Buffalo; starting as a medic (& later LPN) in the US Army Reserve in 1988. Post-residency Fellowship at National Institutes of Health. Prior Medical Director for Frederick Memorial Hospital Pain and Supportive Care Services & Hospice of Frederick County (obtaining Joint Commission Certification for Inpatient Palliative Care Service), received US national recognition in 2015 with Circle of Life Citation of Honor for Excellence in Hospice and Palliative Care. Currently an Academic Editor and Palliative Care Section Chief for the online journal Medicine. Since 2016, Dr. Bush has been Chief Medical Officer for Hospice of the Chesapeake & Chesapeake Palliative Medicine. He is the CEO for
Hospice and Palliative Care